News for "asteroid"

Asteroid Roma to cause stellar eclipse on Thursday

The only asteroid occultation of this century will occur on July 8 when the asteroid will �eat� the ...

Hayabusa capsule arrives in Japan

The carefully packed capsule Friday arrived at JAXA research center in Sagamihara, Kanagawa Prefectu...

Rosetta to face off asteroid Lutetia next month

The European comet chaser is all set to encounter the asteroid on July 10, making a two-hour long fl...

Asteroid explorer �Hayabusa� returns to Earth

After over seven years in orbit, Japan's Hayabusa spacecraft entered the Earth atmosphere at Woomera...

Asteroid, not comet, left dark scar on Jupiter

The cosmic collision that Jupiter encountered in July 2009 which left a dark spot on the planet, was...

WISE traces asteroid near Tadpole Nebula

The US explorer has captured the asteroid, 1709 Jens near the Tadpole region in the solar system....

Astronomers find ice on asteroid

Scientists using NASA�s Infrared Telescope have detected water-ice and carbon-based organic compound...

Asteroid '2010 GA6' will safely fly by Earth: NASA

The NASA Spaceguard team at the Catalina Sky Survey have recently spotted an asteroid - '2010 GA6' -...

Asteroids collide to leave behind trail of debris

NASA�s Hubble telescope captures an X-shaped debris pattern in space which astronomers believe is th...

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