News for "asteroid"

Astronomer spots asteroid smashing into Moon

A Spanish astronomer has witnessed a fridge-sized asteroid smashing into the Moon, in the biggest lu...

Scientists detect water on dwarf planet

Astronomers have for the first time detected water vapour on a dwarf planet located in the main aste...

NASA develops new spacesuit for asteroid mission

NASA has developed a new gen-next spacesuit, which is much lighter and mobile, for its first ever mi...

New 'pumpkin' spacesuit for NASA's asteroid mission

NASA is testing a new lighter and more mobile 'pumpkin suit' for its first ever mission to lasso an ...

Chinese flyby of asteroid shows space rock is "rubble"

China's first flyby of an asteroid shows that a gigantic space rock which once triggered a doomsday ...

Mars, not Earth, shakes up some near-Earth asteroids

Mars, not Earth, plays a role in "refreshing" some near-Earth asteroids, causing the space rocks to ...

Hubble discovers freakish asteroid with six 'tails'

Astronomers have for the first time seen an asteroid with six comet-like tails of dust radiating fro...

Earth got its water from early asteroid impacts

Scientists have found that Earth acquired most of its water from asteroid impacts nearly 4.6 billion...

Early warning system to detect killer asteroids

The powerful Gaia space telescope designed to create a 3D map of stars in the Milky Way will also de...

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