News for "asteroid"

Pebbles 'could deflect asteroids'

Planetary scientists have claimed that flinging pebbles at an asteroid could help deflect the Earth-...

'Earth was bombarded by asteroids 3-4 billion years ago'

Changes in the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter some three to four billion years ago hurled a ...

NASA's Dawn spacecraft reveals secrets of giant asteroid Vesta

Findings from NASA's Dawn spacecraft reveal new details about the giant asteroid Vesta, including it...

NASA spacecraft finds fascinating details about asteroid Vesta

New images and data acquired by scientists from the Dawn spacecraft show some areas on the surface o...

New asteroid to pass closer to Earth next year

A newly discovered asteroid dubbed 2012 DA14 is expected to come closer than many satellites when it...

Second largest near-Earth asteroid passes by Earth

Eros, the second largest near-Earth asteroid, had a flyby of Earth and can now be seen in the conste...

Bus-sized asteroid comes extremely close to Earth

The asteroid, 2012 BX34, passed within 59,044 km of Earth, coming much nearer than the Moon but did ...

Giant asteroid zips past Earth in rare close flyby

The 400-meters-wide space rock, called 2005 YU55, came within 201,700 miles (324,600 km) of Earth at...

Rare near-Earth asteroid fly-by set for Tuesday

The circular asteroid, named 2005 YU55, is about 1,300 feet (400 meters) wide and will come closer t...

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