News for "asteroid"

'Giant asteroid that wiped out dinosaurs from Earth fell in India'

The Shiva crater near the western coast of India could be the 'buried remnant’ for the fateful di...

Chances of Apophis asteroid hitting Earth less: NASA

The chances of the giant asteroid hitting Earth in 2036 now stands at 1-in-250,000 than the previous...

White dwarfs show evidence of orbiting asteroids, rocky planets

The new findings by NASA’s Spitzer space telescope might help astronomers measure the composition of...

Asteroid in close pass was smaller, says astronomer

MIT Professor proves that the asteroid that whizzed past the earth recently was much smaller than th...

'Asteroid's swooping past Earth was a cosmic near miss'

Scientists say that the 2009 DD45 asteroid circles the sun every 18 months, but its path will not th...

New method to measure asteroids

Astronomers develop inter-ferometric technique to resolve asteroids as small as about 15 km in diame...

Global action can ward off asteroid threat

UN analyst believes the natural force of gravity can be used to deflect asteroids...

Global panel to discuss asteroid threat

The Association of Space Explorers (ASE) will meet September 22-25, before submitting the report to ...

Rosetta has close encounter with Asteroid Steins

European Space Agency’s comet chaser Rosetta flew by Asteroid Steins gathering valuable inform...

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