News for "Tiger"

Thales boosts Australian Tiger helicopter simulator

The improvements to the Full Flight Mission Simulator's (FFMS) Visual Display System (VDS) mean ...

German Army receives upgraded Tiger attack helo

Airbus Helicopters has delivered the last of 12 Tiger attack helicopters upgraded to ASGARD (Afghani...

Tiger Moth plane takes to air for Air Force Day

A fly-past by vintage Tiger Moth aircraft was the main attraction at the Air Force Day parade here o...

Eurocopter offers Panther, Tiger combat helicopters to S Korea

Expressing interest in South Korea's plans to acquire light and heavy attack helicopters, Eurocopter...

Russia to build two Tiger class corvettes for Algeria

The United Shipbuilding Corporation and state arms exporter Rosoboronexport have inked a deal with A...

MBDA's PARS 3 LR successfully tested on German Tiger

MBDA has conducted test firing exercise of the PARS 3 LR guided antitank missile system for the firs...

StarTiger succeeds in producing perpetual eclipse in space

The Laboratoire Astrophysique d’Marseille (LAM) served as host to ESA’s latest StarTiger...

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