News for "C295 aircraft"

Govt likely to seal deal on purchase of 56 C-295 military transport planes in next few days

The Indian defence ministry is likely to finalise in the next few days the nearly Rs 20,000 crore Ai...

Egypt signs contract for more C295 aircraft

Airbus Military has received an order for six additional C295 transport aircraft from the Egyptian A...

Airbus signs cooperation agreements

The Company has signed a cooperation agreement with the Ministry of Economy and various Portuguese i...

C295 aircraft carries Marte Mk2/S missile for first time

Airbus Military and MBDA have successfully completed the first flight of the C295 maritime patrol ai...

Poland orders five Airbus Military C295 aircraft

The Polish Air Force has signed a contract with Airbus Military for the acquisition of five C295 mil...

Oman orders eight C295 aircraft

The Royal Air Force of Oman has signed a contract with Airbus Military to acquire eight C295 aircraf...

Indonesia to buy nine C295 aircraft

Airbus Military has signed a contract with PT Dirgantara Indonesia (PT DI) to supply nine C295 milit...

Brazilian C295 fleet reaches 25.000 flight hours

These aircraft are working in particularly difficult environments, carrying out operations like the ...

Egypt takes delivery of first Airbus C295 aircraft

The Egyptian Air Force has received the first of three C295 aircraft in military transport configura...

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