News for "Astronomy"

ESO's VISTA captures spectacular view of galaxies

The view captured is of one of the most important regions of star formation in the local Universe &m...

Astronomers observe stellar explosion in 3D view

Astronomers were able to obtain the first-ever 3D reconstruction of the central parts of the explodi...

Astronomers discover largest star on record

The newly discovered star, designated R136a1, was discovered in the R136 star cluster and is the mos...

Earth is younger than thought, study reveals

By comparing chemical isotopes from the Earth's mantle with those from meteorites, the geologists ha...

Astronomers discover blowing gas bubble from black hole

The object, also known as a microquasar, blows a huge bubble of hot gas, 1000 light-years across, tw...

Japanese probe yields insights into Moon's inner life

The mineral, called olivine, is deemed to be a telltale of mantle, the deep inner layer of iron- and...

Astronomers watch first superstorm on exoplanet

The team has used ESO�s Very Large Telescope and its powerful CRIRES spectrograph for conducting the...

Scientists observe the formation of massive star

Scientists have physically resolved the structure of the material falling into the black hole throug...

Astronomers witness star birth

Astronomers caught a glimpse of a future star just as it is being born out of the surrounding gas an...

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