News for "Astronomy"

'Oldest supernovae yet' which exploded 12.5 bn years ago found

Astronomers have discovered two 'super-luminous' massive stars which exploded 12.5 billion years ago...

Comet shining brighter than moon will fly by Earth

Comet ISON is visiting the inner solar system and is set to put on spectacular views for the Norther...

Rare 'Blue Moon' to be visible tomorrow night

This month, the first full moon was on August 2 and now, sky gazers can see it happening for the sec...

Scientists create biggest 3-D map of Universe

Scientists have released the largest ever three-dimensional map of massive galaxies and distant blac...

Scientists decode mystery of how giant stars were formed

An Indian origin scientist and his team claimed to have solved the puzzle of how giant stars, 300 ti...

First amateur image of another solar system 'captured'

An astronomer in New Zealand claims to have captured the first amateur pictures of another solar sys...

Solar system had a fifth giant planet; claim astronomers

Astronomers claim to have found evidence which suggests that the solar system might have a fifth gia...

Scientists find clouds of primordial gas from early universe

Astronomers have discovered two clouds of gas which they believe were formed in the first few minute...

Astronomers shed light on early stars in cosmos

The findings provide the first solid detection of primitive, uncontaminated gas and support the long...

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