News for "Astronomer"

Astronomers discover coolest brown dwarf

UGPSJ0722-05 is the coolest and nearest brown dwarf to the Earth yet discovered....

Astronomers observe fast growing primitive black holes

'Quasars' are active and very powerful black holes at the centre of distant galaxies. The black hole...

Astronomers discover first normal exoplanet

Corot-9b is the first exoplanet which purely resembles other planets of the solar system....

Spiral galaxies were 'ugly ducklings' 6 bn yrs ago: Astronomers

The beautiful spiral galaxies found in the Universe today had peculiar shapes six billion years ago,...

Astronomers solve 'cold dark matter' puzzle

Dwarf galaxies which contain less dark matter and stars inside them, contradicting the cold dark mat...

Astronomers capture first direct exoplanet spectrum

Astronomers have obtained the first direct �chemical fingerprint� of an exoplanet orbiting a Sun-lik...

Astronomers discovered millisecond pulsars in Milky Way

Radio astronomers have discovered 17 millisecond pulsars by using NASA's Fermi Gamma-ray Space Teles...

Most powerful supernova explosions discovered by Japanese astronomers

The Japanese Suzaku space observatory has captured the unusual features of supernova that were detec...

Astronomers probe into the life form of planetary nurseries

Astronomers using W.M. Keck Observatory have probed into the depths of a young planetary system to u...

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