News for "Astronomer"

Astronomers find largest molecules in space

The carbon molecules ‘buckyballs’ were found around the planetary nebula Tc-1, which are...

Astronomers discover largest star on record

The newly discovered star, designated R136a1, was discovered in the R136 star cluster and is the mos...

Astronomers discover blowing gas bubble from black hole

The object, also known as a microquasar, blows a huge bubble of hot gas, 1000 light-years across, tw...

Astronomers find 14 coldest stars

The new objects are between the temperatures of about 450 Kelvin to 600 Kelvin (350 to 620 degrees F...

Astronomers watch first superstorm on exoplanet

The team has used ESO�s Very Large Telescope and its powerful CRIRES spectrograph for conducting the...

Astronomers witness star birth

Astronomers caught a glimpse of a future star just as it is being born out of the surrounding gas an...

Astronomers discover star-studded galaxy tail

The tail, which was created as the galaxy IC 3418 plunged into the neighboring Virgo cluster of gala...

Astronomers observed solar system in the making

Astronomers have studied the swirling clouds of gas and dust that feed the growing star in its cente...

Hints of life found on Saturn's moon: Astronomers

NASA spacecraft Cassini has found signs of life on Saturn�s moon Titan....

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