Aero India 2025

News for "Astronomer"

Astronomers unveil first photo of a black hole

In a major scientific breakthrough, astronomers have unveiled the first photo of a black hole – on...

First lake of liquid water discovered on Mars

A massive underground lake has been detected for the first time on Mars, raising the possibility tha...

More than a billion stars mapped in Milky Way: ESA

The Gaia space probe, launched in 2013, has mapped more than a billion stars in the Milky Way, vastl...

Transit of Mercury over sun on May 9

A transit of Mercury over the disc of the sun will take place in the afternoon of May 9 and will be ...

Indian astronomers spot rare giant radio galaxy

Indian astronomers have discovered an extremely rare radio galaxy - a giant, with an extent of a who...

Astronomers find 11 runaway galaxies

Astronomers have spotted 11 runaway galaxies that have been flung out of their birthplaces to wander...

Closest Earth flyby of a star occurred 70,000 years ago

Astronomers have identified the closest known flyby of a star that passed our solar system at a dist...

New molecule found in space connotes life origins

Astronomers have discovered large quantities of organic molecules at the centre of the Milky Way tha...

A planet-like object that could have been a hot star in the past

A team of international astronomers has spotted a celestial object which at present is as cool as a ...

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