The finding is the first age-confirmation of a so-called dropout galaxy at that distant time and pin...
A newly released set of images taken by Hubble Space Telescope highlight the ongoing drama in the ga...
After studying nearly 15 galaxies, astronomers conclude that the celestial bodies are relatively you...
Dust grains observed in the interstellar clouds and around the young stars are usually "surroun...
ESO’s Very Large Telescope captures the image of a strange and chaotic duo of interwoven galax...
Large population of small galaxies that have remained intact while larger galaxies around them are b...
By combining the twin strengths of NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope’s acute eye, astronomers ob...
At Aero India show, Raytheon is fielding a host of advanced technologies for fighter aircraft, and s...
Say galaxies primarily formed as a result of intensive cosmic streams of cold gas and not due to gal...
The Indian Air Force, in its flight trials evaluation report submitted before the Defence Ministry l..
An insight into the Medium Multi-Role Combat Aircraft competition...
Sky enthusiasts can now spot the International Space Station (ISS) commanded by Indian-American astr..
The Indian Air Force, in its flight trials evaluation report submitted before the Defence Ministry l..
view articleAn insight into the Medium Multi-Role Combat Aircraft competition...
view articleSky enthusiasts can now spot the International Space Station (ISS) commanded by Indian-American astr..
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