News for "Telescope"

NASA's Fermi Telescope discovers Pulsars

Astronomers get closer view of gamma-rays emitted by pulsars – the fast spinning, magnetized cores l...

European telescope captures curious pair of galaxies

ESO’s Very Large Telescope captures the image of a strange and chaotic duo of interwoven galax...

Kepler telescope to be launched on March 6

NASA’s Kepler telescope to be launched aboard Delta II rocket will search for Earth-size plane...

NASA's Fermi Telescope spots big gamma-ray blast

The blast had the greatest total energy, the fastest motions and the highest-energy initial emission...

European telescope to be launched aboard Ariane 5

Arianespace's upcoming Ariane 5 flight scheduled for launch on April 16 this year will take into orb...

Indian scientist repairs world's largest radio telescope

An Indian scientist has rectified the problem of satellite signals interfering with the observation ...

Nano makes super-telescopes more sensitive

Astronomers use nanotechnology on the Atacama Large Millimeter Array likely to launched in 2012 to u...

Telescope detects black hole outflows from active galaxy

For the first time, astronomers have noticed jets and lobes emanating from the central black hole of...

Telescope captures 11 billion-year-old gamma ray burst

Scientists say if a similar explosion happened in the galaxy today, it could result in mass extincti...

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