News for "Telescope"

Vista telescope captures curious behaviour of young stars inside Orion

The space telescope peers deep inside the heart of the vast stellar nursery and takes images of star...

NASA's WISE telescope sends first images from space

NASA's infrared all-sky surveying telescope, WISE, sends back first images from space....

NASA telescopes capture star's disintegration

The star, an ultraluminous X-ray source, being torn apart by an intermediate-mass black hole in an e...

Herschel telescope discerns into the 'heart of Eagle'

A dark cloud deep inside the Eagle constellation is the hub of star formation as seen in an image ta...

VISTA telescope peers into cosmos

The sky-mapping telescope takes stunning pictures of the Flame nebula, the core of Milky Way galaxy ...

Telescopes capture galaxies on the verge of collision

Data provided by NASA’s Chandra X-ray Observatory, Spitzer Space Telescope and ESO’s Very Large Tele...

Herschel: The largest infrared space telescope

The Herschel is a space observatory from the European Space Agency (ESA)....

Planck telescope beams first images of fall out after Big Bang

Planck team has released the probe's first image, an observational strip covering about five per cen...

Sophisticated telescope camera captures spectacular celestial view

The instrument, built by University of Florida and fitted in Gemini South telescope, takes its first...

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