The Rasad 1 observation satellite will revolve around the Earth 15 times a day to take images of Ear...
The first indigenously-made Medium Power Radar (MPR) ‘Arudhra’ has been inducted at Air Force statio...
'Arudhra' is being inducted to strengthen air defence capabilities in the Surashtara-Kutch region as...
The KRC-40 would operate in Indonesia`s western waters which are geographically dotted by small isla...
The country has successfully tested the ‘Sayyad-2’ and ‘Mersad’ air defence missile systems over the...
INS Shivalik, which will now form part of the Eastern fleet under the Eastern Naval Command, was acc...
Replying to supplementaries, Antony said while in past the defence sector was exclusively reserved f...
Iran has unveiled its indigenous wheeled 155-mm self-propelled howitzer developed by Defense Industr...
Defence Minister A K Antony's call for indigenisation has found a strong votary in a group of aviati...
The Indian Air Force, in its flight trials evaluation report submitted before the Defence Ministry l..
An insight into the Medium Multi-Role Combat Aircraft competition...
Sky enthusiasts can now spot the International Space Station (ISS) commanded by Indian-American astr..
The Indian Air Force, in its flight trials evaluation report submitted before the Defence Ministry l..
view articleAn insight into the Medium Multi-Role Combat Aircraft competition...
view articleSky enthusiasts can now spot the International Space Station (ISS) commanded by Indian-American astr..
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