Aero India 2025

News for "EU"

Europe's Eutelsat W7 satellite successfully put in orbit

Russia’s Proton-M carrier rocket places the European communication satellite in orbit....

Russia to launch European satellite Eutelsat W7

The communication satellite will provide digital broadcasting services in Europe, Russia, Africa, Ce...

European comet chaser to make last flyby of Earth on Friday

Rosetta will team up with Comet 67/P Churyumov-Gerasimenko in May 2014 ....

Neutron Star

A neutron star more closely resembles a miniature planet than it does an ordinary star....

Enigma unwrapped: Carbon veil detected on neutron star

NASA’s Chandra X-ray Observatory discovers carbon atmosphere on a neutron star located at the centre...

Europe launches two communication satellites

The Ariane 5 rocket puts in orbit the NSS-12 and THOR 6 satellites which will provide telecommunicat...

Eurocopter opts out of race to supply attack copters to IAF

Eurocopter said that it will not be participating in the field trials as its Tiger attack helicopter...

ISRO eyes more satellite launches from Europe, US

Nair said ISRO expects more launch opportunities from the US and Europe following the recent technol...

Russia to launch two European satellites next month

The Rockot launch vehicle will put into orbit Europe’s SMOS spacecraft and Proba-2 mini-satellite on...

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