News for "Communication"

Asia-Pacific navies sign maritime communication agreement

India and 21 other countries on Tuesday adopted an agreement aimed at ensuring that miscommunication...

Iran unveils new home-made communication satellites

The Islamic republic has unveiled two domestically-made communication satellites, one to bolster its...

NASA launches newest communication satellite

The US space agency has launched its latest, third-generation Tracking and Data Relay Satellite to s...

NASA's laser Moon mission to boost space communication

NASA has completed its 30-day lunar laser mission which confirmed that the possibility of expanding ...

New techniques may boost gen-next lasers

Scientists have developed new techniques to boost efficiency of gen-next 'bosonic' lasers that can d...

NASA's laser communication system transmits data from Moon

NASA's gen-next laser communication system has made history using a pulsed laser beam to transmit da...

US Air Force launches advanced military communication satellite

The third Advanced Extremely High Frequency (AEHF) military communications satellite for the US Air ...

US Air Force prepares to launch military communications satellite

The third Advanced Extremely High Frequency (AEHF-3) military communications satellite is getting re...

New military communications satellite for US Navy launches successfully

The second Mobile User Objective System (MUOS) satellite built by Lockheed Martin for the US Navy is...

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