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Russian Strategic Missile Forces to conduct war games

A file photo.

MOSCOW (BNS): The Strategic Missile Forces (SMF) of Russia will conduct large-scale command-and-staff exercises involving over 2,000 personnel which will coincide with the Russian-Belarusian large-scale Zapad 2009 exercises.

The four day SMF exercises will kick start from Tuesday, Russian news agency Ria Novosti reported.

“During the exercises, the SMF will practice operations control in scenarios involving conventional and nuclear warfare,” an SMF spokesman was quoted as saying by the news agency.

“A total of over 2,000 servicemen and 150 theater- and tactical-level command-and-control centres will take part in the drills,” he said.

The SMF plans to modernise its command and control system by 2016, thereby improving the forces’ ability to overcome missile defences and increase survivability of delivery vehicles.

The present arsenal of the SMF has six types of silo-based and mobile ICBM systems, including the heavy Voyevoda (SS-18 Satan), capable of carrying 10 warheads, and Topol-M (Stalin) systems. The forces’ total arsenal comprises 538 ICBMs, including 306 SS-25 Topol (Sickle) missiles and 56 SS-27 Topol-M missiles, the report said.

Meanwhile, Russia will join Belarus in conducting the large-scale Zapad 2009 exercises from September 8 to 29, involving around 13,000 service personnel from both sides, the Russian news agency said.

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