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American delegation in town to talk defence

NEW DELHI (PTI): Ahead of US President Barack Obama's India visit next month, an American delegation arrived in New Delhi on Monday for talks on defence technology transfer and joint production.

The American inter-agency delegation, including officials from the State Department, Pentagon and the US Pacific Command, is headed by Assistant Secretary of State for Political-Military Affairs Puneet Talwar, who is on a four-day visit.

He will hold talks on regional and maritime security, defence trade, and new areas for strategic cooperation with senior officials from the External Affairs and Defence Ministry.

During his visit, Talwar will seek opportunities to further expand India-US security cooperation, including support for the Department of Defence's US-India Defence Trade and Technology Initiative.

According to sources, India has shortlisted five of the 17 hi-tech items of military hardware offered by the US for co-production and co-development under Defence Trade and Technology Initiative (DTTI), started under the UPA government.

Among the items that are under consideration is a long-range UAV that would be able to cover about 10,000 kms non-stop and would be in air for a longer duration of about 24 hours, sources said.

Obama is slated to visit India next month as the Chief Guest at Republic Day parade and sources said a number of Indo-US deals are likely to be sealed around that time.

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