News for "star"

CSIRO telescope spots 'mega star cradle'

Using "Mopra" radio telescope, an international team, spotted a massive cloud of mostly hydrogen gas...

StarTiger succeeds in producing perpetual eclipse in space

The Laboratoire Astrophysique d’Marseille (LAM) served as host to ESA’s latest StarTiger...

Mexico set to start space programme

Mexican politicians have approved the creation of a space agency that will seek to bolster research ...

Astronomers observe steady cooling process of neutron star

Variations in the pace of cooling of the neutron star observed for nearly a decade have given astron...

Exoplanets orbiting host stars in reverse direction found

Astronomers have discovered at least six exoplanets which are revolving around their parent stars in...

Herschel captures baby stars in the Rosette cloud

The Herschel image shows half of the nebula and most of the Rosette cloud....

Iran starts production of new Mersad missile system

The new Mersad, or Ambush, air defence system would be able to hit modern aircraft at low and medium...

Indian Army to start wargame 'Yodha Shakti'

"Yodha Shakti will be held for a month from mid April to mid May in the Pokhran ranges and it will v...

Saturn's eye-catching spectacle enthrall star gazers

The ring planet was the biggest and brightest for the whole year at its opposition thus providing a ...

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