News for "planets"

Kepler discovers 1,284 new planets

The space telescope of NASA has made the largest-ever discovery of 1,284 new planets, giving hope to...

Scientists discover three 'potentially habitable' planets

An international team of scientists on Monday said they had discovered a trio of Earth-like planets ...

One of the most distant planets discovered

A remote gas planet about 13,000 light-years away has been discovered by scientists using NASA's Spi...

New laser technique to hunt for Earth-like planets

The hunt for Earth-like planets around distant stars could soon become a lot easier, thanks to a new...

Earth-like planets around most stars: Study

The new research, led by PhD student Tim Bovaird and Associate Professor Charley Lineweaver from The...

NASA's robot army to explore other planets

NASA is developing an army of autonomous self-driving robots - equipped with webcams and GPS - that ...

Milky Way may have 100 mln life-supporting planets

Researchers have developed a new computation method to examine data from planets orbiting other star...

Two new planets orbiting ancient star discovered

Scientists have discovered two new planets orbiting an ancient star near our Sun and one of them may...

Eight exoplanets orbiting red dwarf stars discovered

A team of astronomers from UK and Chile has discovered eight new small exoplanets orbiting nearby re...

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