News for "carbon"

Carbon worlds may be waterless: NASA study

Planets rich in carbon, including so-called diamond planets, may lack oceans, according to a NASA st...

Astronomers find first carbon-rich exoplanet

For the first time, astronomers have measured the atmosphere of a giant exoplanet which is substanti...

Study links fresh Mars gullies to carbon dioxide

The timing of new activity in one type of the enigmatic gullies on Mars implicates carbon-dioxide fr...

Carbon dioxide finding on Mars hints at ancient life

Mars was once rich in carbon dioxide, space scientists have claimed, hinting that the Red Planet cou...

'Graphite Whiskers' found on Apollo lunar rock

In a new analysis of a lunar sample collected by Apollo 17, some of the graphite appeared in a rare ...

NASA awards launch services contract for OCO-2 mission

Orbiting Carbon Observatory-2 (OCO-2) dedicated to studying atmospheric carbon dioxide, will fly in ...

'Carbon' - world's tiniest, lightest UAV

The unmanned aerial vehicle, developed by a private firm, contains carbon fiber composites and can b...

Carbon from Earth surface is reduced: Researchers

Fire sweeping through the inner solar system may have burnt much of the carbon from earth and the ot...

Scientists observes red giant stars to study presence of carbon in atmosphere

Scientists analysed the chemical composition and the evolutionary state of spectral type R carbon st...

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