News for "Weaponry"

Indian Army conducts airborne exercise in eastern Ladakh to validate rapid response capabilities

The Indian Army's Shatrujeet brigade is conducting an airborne exercise along the northern borders i...

Indian Army gears up for winter in E Ladakh

In its biggest military logistics operation in decades, the Indian Army has rushed tanks, heavy weap...

India bolstering air defence with latest missile systems, weaponry

The Government is procuring a variety of air defence systems, including missiles, launchers and comm...

India working on unmanned tanks, vessels, robotic weaponry for future wars

In an ambitious defence project, the Indian government has started work on incorporating artificial ...

Govt empowers Indian Army to procure weaponry for short intense wars

In a major decision, the government has empowered the Indian Army directly to procure critical weapo...

North Korea rolls out missiles, other weaponry at parade

To celebrate the birthday of the country's late founder, Kim Il Sung, Pyongyang has conducted a mass...

Pentagon chief vows to deploy 'best' US weaponry to Asia

Defence Secretary Ashton Carter has said that the US would deploy state of the art weaponry in Asia,...

Russian armed forces to receive 1,300 types of weaponry by 2020

The new programme is expected to stipulate the upgrade of up to 11 percent of military equipment ann...

MBDA to offer future soldier support weaponry at Farnborough

The CVS101 system concept is designed as an infantry fire support weapon system, for 2030 and beyond...

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