Aero India 2025

News for "Warhead"

China tests 12,000 km ICBM with multiple warheads

China has conducted the most comprehensive test of a nuclear-capable intercontinental ballistic miss...

Milan ER anti-tank missile inches closer for serial production

MBDA has successfully completed a series of test firings of the improved Milan ER anti-tank light in...

China confirms new generation long-range missiles: Report

Beijing has acknowledged the existence of a new inter-continental ballistic missile said to be capab...

'Plans to equip Agni-V with multiple warheads'

Agni-V, India's most powerful missile with a strike range of over 5,000 kms, is set to get substanti...

ATK to develop alternate warhead for GMLRS

The US Army has selected ATK to develop an alternative warhead for the Guided Multiple Launch Rocke...

Raytheon completes first test of JSOW-ER warhead

Raytheon Company completed the first test of the warhead and fuze for the Joint Standoff Weapon Exte...

Russia test fires long-range missile with new warhead

The RS-18, a warhorse missile known to the West as Stilet (Stileto) was successfully test fired from...

Lockheed tests new scalable warhead on GMLRS-Plus rocket

This test at White Sands Missile Range, New Mexico, was the second of two GMLRS+ launches scheduled ...

Raytheon's SDB II warhead exceeds test requirements

The warhead for Raytheon's Small Diameter Bomb II performed at twice what was required during a seri...

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