News for "UK"

Russia's fifth-gen fighter enters S Korean tender

Korea plans to acquire 60 fighters with advanced stealth capability from a foreign aircraft maker....

S Korea to procure 60 advanced fighter aircraft

Russia’s Sukhoi T-50 PAK-FA fifth-generation fighter is shortlisted for the tender which is estimate...

UK and France hold first 'Military Industry Day'

The British Defence Minister Peter Luff and French Délégué Général Laurent Collet-Billon inaugurated...

Russia plans to procure 40 Sukhoi Su-30 aircraft from Irkut

The Su-30 Flanker-C is a twin-engine, two-seat multirole fighter for all-weather, air-to-air and air...

Royal Air Force names its largest aircraft 'Voyager'

The Royal Air Force has officially named its largest ever aircraft ‘Voyager’ which is expected to en...

Royal Navy's HMS Diamond enters service

The Royal Navy's new advanced air defence destroyer, HMS Diamond, has entered service following exte...

British Defence Minister visits Sri Lanka

Fox is here to deliver the annual Lakshman Kadirgamar memorial lecture in memory of the Sri Lankan f...

Russia mulling to buy An-70 aircraft from Ukraine

The Air Force plans to buy Antonov-built An-70 military transport planes in 2012-2013 to replace its...

UK Navy helicopters exercise with USS George H W Bush

Helicopters from 849 Naval Air Squadron took part in the exercise held from 19 to 26 May with the Un...

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