News for "Star"

IAF-USAF to start bilateral exercise on Thursday

The 10-day long ‘Cope-India’ exercise would focus on transport and humanitarian assistance operation...

Oceansat-2 starts relaying images of Earth

Three payloads onboard the remote sensing satellite have been turned on and started providing good q...

Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (START I)

The treaty started between the U.S. and Soviet Union to limit the number of strategic offensive arms...

Su-35 Flanker-E to be star attraction at LAVEX-2009

A wide range of Russian aircraft, air defence systems will be showcased in Tripoli due to their high...

A celestial feast for stargazers!

The European Southern Observatory captures a 360-degree panoramic image of the magnificent night sky...

Galaxy - the storehouse of stars, gas, dust

According to scientists' estimation, there are over 100 billion galaxies scattered throughout the vi...

White Dwarf: Faint remnant of a star in its final evolutionary phase

The celestial object is not very hot when formed, but without any source of energy, it gradually coo...

New study debunks star formation myth

An international team of researchers has debunked one of astronomy's long held beliefs about how sta...

Navy set to get three-star officer as COS in WC

Indian Navy set to get three-star officer as its Chief of Staff in the Western Command...

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