News for "Spitzer"

Spacecraft detects light from alien 'Super-Earth'

For the first time, NASA's Spitzer spacecraft has detected light emanating from a previously-found S...

NASA's Spitzer finds galaxy with 'split personality'

The infrared vision of NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope has revealed that the Sombrero galaxy -- named...

NASA's Spitzer discovers solid buckyballs in space

Astronomers, for the first time, using NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope have discovered buckyballs in ...

NASA's Spitzer detects comet storm in nearby solar system

NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope has detected signs of icy bodies raining down in an alien solar syste...

Spitzer spacecraft exposes depth of dusty nebula 'Messier 78'

The spacecraft with its infrared vision has shown stellar infants of the star that are lost behind d...

Spitzer sees crystal 'Rain' in outer clouds of infant star

Tiny crystals of a green mineral called olivine are falling down like rain on a burgeoning star, acc...

NASA's Spitzer discovers time-delayed jets around young star

Astronomers have discovered that two symmetrical jets shooting away from opposite sides of a blossom...

Spitzer, Hubble capture shrouded burst of star formation

The new findings show that galaxy mergers can pack a real star-making wallop far from the respective...

Spitzer finds �Buckyballs� floating between the stars: NASA

Buckyballs, also known as fullerenes, are soccer-ball-shaped molecules consisting of 60 linked carbo...

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