News for "Spaceship"

New spaceship antenna to prevent communication blackout

Scientists have proposed a new way to prevent communication blackouts with spacecraft re-entering Ea...

Official: Debris sign of spaceship breaking up

Investigators looking into what caused the crash of a Virgin Galactic prototype spacecraft that kill...

Pilot dead as Virgin spaceship crashes in US desert

Virgin Galactic's pioneering spacecraft designed to take tourists into space has crashed in Californ...

Spaceship with 3-man crew docks at space station

A Russian spacecraft carrying a three-man crew docked successfully at the International Space Statio...

Star Wars-style deflector shields possible!

Researchers have found that Star Wars-style deflector shields that protect spaceships from laser fir...

Virgin Galactic flexes Spaceshiptwo's unique feather mechanism

Company demonstrates all technical mission phases in single flight for the first time, confirms on t...

US company tests spacecraft in desert

The Sierra Nevada Corp, which is developing the Dream Chaser spaceship to take astronauts to the Int...

China's spaceship docks with orbiting lab

Three Chinese astronauts, on the country's longest manned space mission, on Thursday successfully en...

Virgin Galactic conducts first rocket-powered flight of spaceship two

Virgin Galactic, the world's first commercial spaceline, has completed the first rocket-powered flig...

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