News for "Scientists "

Scientists use AI to identify nature of thousands of new cosmic objects

Scientists have used machine learning, a variant of artificial intelligence (AI), to identify the na...

Scientists grow plants in soil from Moon for first time

Scientists have for the first time grown plants in lunar soil brought back to Earth by astronauts in...

'India to build submersibles to carry scientists to depth of 6,000-mtr into sea'

In the next five years, India will have an ambitious programme of manned submersibles that can carry...

Scientists from Kolkata, Kharagpur develop new 'self-healing' organic material

Scientists from the Indian Institute of Science Education and Research (IISER) Kolkata and IIT Khara...

Scientists discover gamma-ray emitting active galaxy with narrow emission lines

Astronomers have discovered a new active galaxy, called the Narrow-Line Seyfert 1 (NLS1), as the far...

DRDO chairman asks scientists to focus on cyber security, space and artificial intelligence

The scientists working at the Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) need to focus on ...

2.229 billion years: Scientists date world's oldest meteor crater

The Yarrabubba crater in western Australia was formed by a meteor strike more than 2.2 billion years...

ISRO scientists unfurl antenna of RISAT-2BR1 satellite

Scientists at the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) on Thursday undertook an operation to un...

Indian scientists discover 28 new stars in Milky Way

Scientists at the Aryabhatta Research Institute of Observational Sciences (ARIES) in Nainital have d...

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