News for "SCO"

Giant planet discovered by Chinese astronomers

Chinese astronomers have discovered a giant planet close to the exotic binary star system QS Virgini...

Super-Earth exoplanet with atmosphere discovered

The planet has a core made of water ice while its surface appears to be fairly hot and it is surroun...

Herschel telescope discerns into the 'heart of Eagle'

A dark cloud deep inside the Eagle constellation is the hub of star formation as seen in an image ta...

VISTA telescope peers into cosmos

The sky-mapping telescope takes stunning pictures of the Flame nebula, the core of Milky Way galaxy ...

Telescopes capture galaxies on the verge of collision

Data provided by NASA’s Chandra X-ray Observatory, Spitzer Space Telescope and ESO’s Very Large Tele...

Astronomers discover hottest star in the galaxy

The star located at the centre of Bug Nebula has a surface temperature of 200,000 degrees which make...

Chandrayaan-I data provides vast scope for research on moon

There is possibility of existence of minerals, including titanium, on moon, says Chandrayaan Project...

Twenty two early galaxies discovered

The finding is the first age-confirmation of a so-called dropout galaxy at that distant time and pin...

New class of exploding star discovered

An unusual supernova rediscovered in seven-year-old data may be the first example of a new type of e...

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