News for "Rings"

The Mystery of Saturn's Rings

In 1610, Galileo pointed the newly invented telescope at Saturn and its rings. After hundreds of yea...

Saturn to be visible without rings

The rings of the planet will be tilted edge-on to the earth, making it impossible for them to see ev...

Evidence of ancient hot springs on Mars

Scientists discover the existence of ancient springs in the Vernal Crater based on the data from the...

Israel brings latest spy planes

Israel is set to unveil its latest Conformal Airborne Early Warning & Control Aircraft at Aero I...

Saturn's rings may be bigger and older

Saturn's rings may be more massive and much older than previously thought of, according to a new res...

New insights into rings around Saturn's moons

NASA's Cassini spacecraft detects faint, partial ring orbiting Saturn’s small moon and confirm...

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