News for "R"

IAF opens new airstrip in Ladakh near China border

Indian Air Force landed an AN-32 transport aircraft at the Nyoma Advanced Landing Ground in eastern ...

Russian flak jackets for Indian Security Agencies

Indian Security Agencies received 30 complete sets of flak jackets from Russian Embassy in accordanc...

Planck telescope beams first images of fall out after Big Bang

Planck team has released the probe's first image, an observational strip covering about five per cen...

LRO begins detailed mapping of Moon's south pole

Various instruments aboard the moon craft provide numerous details about lunar surface and its resou...

IAEA has no proof of nuclear weapon programme in Iran

The agency says it has no concrete proof that there is or has been a nuclear programme in Iran....

Russian fighter jets vying for Indian tender get new radar

A new-generation airborne radar has been developed for MiG-35 fighter jets competing in the Indian f...

Russia to complete refitting of IAF's MiG-29s by 2013

Sixty-three MiG-29 combat jets in service with the Indian Air Force would be equipped with revamped ...

Russia launches maiden weather satellite Meteor-M

The satellite would gather data for weather forecasts, besides monitoring Earth’s ozone layer and tr...

Chinese incursions: Govt puts off meet

NSA postpones meet over Chinese incursions....

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