Aero India 2025

News for "Planet"

NASA testing Mars lander for 2016 mission

The US space agency is testing a stationary car-sized Mars lander scheduled to launch in March 2016 ...

ISRO planning next inter-planetary mission

After India's much hailed successful missions to the Moon and Mars that boosted its global standing ...

NASA's MESSENGER spacecraft to crash into Mercury in 2 weeks

After more than four years of orbiting Mercury, the MESSENGER spacecraft will crash into the solar s...

One of the most distant planets discovered

A remote gas planet about 13,000 light-years away has been discovered by scientists using NASA's Spi...

NASA probe beams back its first colour image of Pluto

NASA's New Horizons spacecraft has sent back its first colour image of the dwarf planet Pluto and it...

Signs of alien life will be found by 2025: NASA scientists

Signs of alien life will be detected by 2025, while "definitive evidence" of extra-terrestrial being...

Twin Earths may lurk near our solar system

Two Earth-like planets could be orbiting a star in Alpha Centauri, our closest star system, astronom...

NASA rover Opportunity completes 11-year Mars marathon

The Martian rover has become the first human-made vehicle to complete a marathon by crossing the 42-...

Huge asteroid to zoom past Earth at 37,000 kph

A massive 1,000-metre wide asteroid capable of wiping out an entire country is set to narrowly miss ...

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