News for "Nano"

ISRO to launch 9 nano/micro American satellites during 2015-16

Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) will be launching nine nano/ micro satellites for United S...

NASA to send nanosatellites on research missions

NASA has selected more than dozen small research satellites - each of which could fit in the palm of...

Nano satellites to help control traffic in space

Scientists are planning to use mini-satellites that function as 'space cops' to help avoid collision...

A new nanodrone developed in the UK

A new 'nanodrone' weighing just 198 grammes, one of the smallest unmanned aerial vehicles in the wor...

NASA's nano solar sail completes mission

The NanoSail-D spacecraft that deployed the space agency's first solar sail in Low Earth orbit has ...

IIT-K plans to launch nano satellite 'Jugnu' in Sept

ISRO scientists have given the green signal to the engineering model, while the flight model is bein...

ISRO to launch 3 nano spacecraft along with Megha-Tropiques

Megha-Tropiques is a joint atmospheric mission of ISRO and French National Space Centre (CNES) which...

Israel to develop new nanosatellite 'InKlajn-1'

InKlajn-1 nano-satellite contains seven scientific and commercial experiments, and the behaviour of ...

'Jugnu' nano-satellite

The satellite has been termed as India's first indigenously made satellite....

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