News for "Moon"

Pluto and its unruly moons

Measurements by the Hubble Space Telescope have revealed that Hydra and Nix, the second- and third-b...

Distant moons may harbour alien life: study

Massive moons of exoplanets are the right size, in the right position and have sufficient water to s...

NASA probe spots Pluto's faintest known moons

NASA's New Horizons spacecraft has for the first time photographed Kerberos and Styx - the smallest ...

NASA's 'robotic eel' to explore Jupiter's moon Europa

NASA is developing a 'robotic eel' that could explore the icy water of Jupiter's moon Europa and pow...

Japan planning Moon mission: Space agency

The Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) has unveiled the plan for a Moon lander to a council o...

NASA's Saturn spacecraft returns to realm of icy moons

NASA's Cassini spacecraft has returned to equatorial orbits around Saturn after nearly two years, al...

NASA rover Opportunity completes 11-year Mars marathon

The Martian rover has become the first human-made vehicle to complete a marathon by crossing the 42-...

Chinese rover: Moon's geological history 'complex'

Ground-penetrating radar measurements taken by China's first lunar rover Yutu, also known as Jade Ra...

Jupiter's largest moon definitely has an ocean: NASA

Jupiter's largest moon, Ganymede, definitely has an underground ocean, researchers said after confir...

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