News for "Long March"

China launches its first spacecraft to moon to collect samples, return to earth

The Chang'e-5 lunar probe has been successfully launched from the Wenchang Spacecraft Launch Site in...

China in final preparations for latest lunar mission

The Chang'e 5 spacecraft – China's most ambitious lunar mission yet – is expected be sent into ...

China successfully launches 13 satellites, including 10 for Argentina, with a single rocket

China has successfully sent 13 satellites, including 10 from Argentina, into orbit in what is stated...

China successfully launches new optical remote-sensing satellite

The new optical remote-sensing satellite, Gaofen-9 05, was sent into orbit by a Long March-2D carri...

China's experimental spaceship works normally in orbit

China's new-generation spaceship launched earlier in the week is working normally in orbit after com...

China's new large carrier rocket makes successful maiden flight

China's most powerful carrier rocket Long March-5B has made its maiden flight, thereby successfully ...

First Pak astronaut will go into space in 2022 with China's help: Minister

Pakistan would send a human to space for the first time in 2022 with China's help, Information Minis...

China successfully launches 2 satellites for close ally Pakistan

China has successfully launched two remote sensing satellites for its "all-weather" ally Pakistan, w...

China launches its most powerful heavy-lift rocket

China on Thursday successfully launched its most powerful heavy-lift rocket which is expected to be ...

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