News for "Laser"

DRDO successfully test fires laser-guided anti-tank guided missile

An indigenously developed laser-guided anti-tank guided missile has been successfully test fired by ...

U S Navy orders APKWS laser-guided rockets

The US Navy has awarded BAE Systems a $180.5 million contract to continue producing Advanced Precisi...

US Navy awards Lockheed Martin $24 million in contracts for ELGTR

Lockheed Martin has received $24.2 million in contracts from the US Navy to produce Enhanced Laser G...

Pak tests 1st indigenous armed drone, laser guided missile

Pakistan on Friday successfully tested its first indigenous all-weather armed drone and a laser guid...

Laser-based missile protection system for aircraft approved for international sale

BAE Systems has announced that its Advanced Threat Infrared Countermeasures (ATIRCM) system has been...

Latest evolution of Lockheed Martin laser weapon system stops truck in field test

Known as ATHENA, for Advanced Test High Energy Asset, the ground-based prototype system burned throu...

New laser technique to hunt for Earth-like planets

The hunt for Earth-like planets around distant stars could soon become a lot easier, thanks to a new...

NASA's gen-next laser instrument to measure methane

A NASA scientist is working on a next-generation laser instrument that will provide remotely collect...

China successfully tests laser weapon to shoot down drones

China on Sunday claimed to have successfully tested a homemade laser defence system specially target...

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