Aero India 2025

News for "Galaxy"

Astronomers found 'Sandbar' between galaxy islands

These sandbars or filaments are known to span vast distances between galaxy clusters and form a latt...

Double star system helps astronomers measure the mass of 'Cepheid variable'

The discovery of a double star system in the Large Magellanic Cloud with one of the stars being a pu...

Black holes' true power revealed by 'Russian doll' galaxy

Scientists have made new observations with CSIRO's Compact Array radio telescope near Narrabri, NSW ...

Spitzer, Hubble capture shrouded burst of star formation

The new findings show that galaxy mergers can pack a real star-making wallop far from the respective...

Hubble captures new life in an ancient galaxy

According to a NASA news report, evidence shows that a merger with a dwarf galaxy sparked the star b...

Scientists spot exoplanet that entered Milky Way by 'galactic cannibalism'

For the first time, astronomers have discovered a planetary system in a stellar stream of extragalac...

A galactic collision captured in full flow

A spectacular image of ‘Atoms-for-Peace’ galaxy, which has resulted from the collision and merger of...

Giant, mysterious structure at Milky Way’s heart puzzles astronomers

A never-before-seen structure, spanning 50,000 light years or roughly half of the Milky Way’s diamet...

Bars may be killing off spiral galaxies: Research

The linear structure of stars crossing the centre of some spiral galaxies, also called ‘bars’, could...

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