News for "Flyby"

ESA probe to make closest flyby of Mars on Dec 29

The European Space Agency's Mars Express spacecraft will make the closest flyby ever of the Red Plan...

Chinese flyby of asteroid shows space rock is "rubble"

China's first flyby of an asteroid shows that a gigantic space rock which once triggered a doomsday ...

Giant asteroid zips past Earth in rare close flyby

The 400-meters-wide space rock, called 2005 YU55, came within 201,700 miles (324,600 km) of Earth at...

Cassini makes flyby of Saturn's 'oddly-shaped moon'

NASA spacecraft Cassini has made the second flyby of Hyperion during which it has acquired new image...

NASA EPOXI mission sets up for comet flyby

EPOXI is an extended mission that utilizes the already "in flight" Deep Impact spacecraft to explore...

EPOXI to flyby comet Hartley 2 in November

On November 4, the mission will fly by Hartley 2 using all three of the spacecraft's instruments. EP...

Cassini to make close flyby of Titan this weekend

NASA's Cassini spacecraft will take its lowest dip through the hazy atmosphere of Saturn's moon Tita...

Cassini to make double flyby over Enceladus, Titan

Taking advantage of the alignment of the moons, Cassini will be able to catch glimpses of these two ...

Cassini attempts double flyby to Titan and Dione

The Titan flyby, on Monday, will take Cassini to within about 7,500 kilometers (4,700 miles) of the ...

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