News for "First"

GOES-15 SXI captures 'first light' images of Sun

This data provided by Solar X-ray Imager (SXI) is used by the US Department of Defense, NOAA, NASA, ...

ARTEMIS tasked for first-of-its-kind military use

Raytheon’s hyperspectral imaging sensor known as ARTEMIS is being prepared for a first-of-its-...

First 3 C-130J 'Super Hercules' getting ready for India

Lockheed Martin will deliver the first C-130J aircraft to India by February 2011, the aircraft will ...

Lockheed's F-35 version for US Navy completes first flight

The F-35C Lightning II is a 5th generation aircraft as it combines advanced stealth with fighter spe...

EADS to unveil world's first biofuel helicopter

The �hybrid� helicopter, to be unveiled at the Berlin air show (ILA) next week, is powered by biofue...

Lockheed delivers First of 17 C-130J Super Hercules to Canada

The C-130J generates greater operational efficiency than Canada's existing E and H models, by flying...

SpaceX's first Falcon 9 achieves Earth orbit

SpaceX's brand new rocket soared off its launch pad into thin clouds at mid-afternoon, carrying a mo...

Construction of Brazil's first SSK-class sub begins

European defence company DCNS has cut the first metal to begin the first phase of industrial product...

NASA's SOFIA sees the 'First Light'

The Stratospheric Observatory for Infrared Astronomy - or SOFIA is a world-class airborne observator...

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