News for "Earth"

Year's last total lunar eclipse enthralls enthusiasts

The moon's bright white glow turned into coppery, luminescent orange as the lunar surface was comple...

Giant super-Earths made of diamond are possible: study

These potential giant terrestrial planets, whose insides could be up to 50 per cent diamond, are dub...

NASA confirms 'super-Earth' that could hold life

Spinning around its star some 600 light years away, Kepler-22b is 2.4 times the size of the Earth, p...

'New Earth-like planet may contain water, life'

Scientists claim to have discovered a potentially habitable planet which has an environment much sim...

Asteriod Lutetia, a rare survivor from the birth of the Earth

Asteroid Lutetia is a leftover fragment of the same original material that formed the Earth, Venus a...

Giant asteroid zips past Earth in rare close flyby

The 400-meters-wide space rock, called 2005 YU55, came within 201,700 miles (324,600 km) of Earth at...

Rare near-Earth asteroid fly-by set for Tuesday

The circular asteroid, named 2005 YU55, is about 1,300 feet (400 meters) wide and will come closer t...

NASA launches weather-climate satellite

The NPP satellite, launched by a Delta II rocket, is carrying five instruments to study temperature ...

German Satellite expected to hit earth today

Most parts of the minivan-sized satellite were expected to burn up during re-entry into the atmosphe...

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