News for "Diamond"

HMS Diamond fires Sea Viper missile for first time

HMS Diamond, the third of the Royal Navy's Type 45 destroyers, blasted a Sea Viper missile out of he...

Giant super-Earths made of diamond are possible: study

These potential giant terrestrial planets, whose insides could be up to 50 per cent diamond, are dub...

Astronomers discover planet made of diamonds

The researchers think that the "diamond planet" is all that remains of the original star, most of wh...

Royal Navy's HMS Diamond enters service

The Royal Navy's new advanced air defence destroyer, HMS Diamond, has entered service following exte...

Royal Navy commissions HMS Diamond

HMS Diamond commissioned on Friday is one of the six multi-role vessels being built to provide air d...

Royal Navy receives third Type 45 destroyer 'Diamond'

Diamond, the third Type 45 anti-air warfare destroyer built by BAE Systems for the Royal Navy, has b...

'Diamonds Oceans' on Uranus and Neptune: Scientists

Oceans of liquid diamond and topped with solid "icebergs" of the precious gems could be on Neptune a...

Japanese moon explorer freezes Earth's diamond ring

With its on board high definition camera KAGUYA captures a penumbral lunar eclipse when the Sun was ...

Scientists floored by diamond-like images of Steins

A complete analysis of Rosetta data will make Steins, the best-characterised asteroid till date....

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