News for "Debri"

Station fires engines to avoid orbital debris

NASA ground controllers have moved the International Space Station to avoid some orbital debris befo...

Helium balloons could help clear space junk

One way to prevent collisions of a dead satellite with an orbiting spacecraft is to have satellites ...

New device to tackle space debris

�CubeSail� is a novel, low cost space mission which will demonstrate for the first time space debris...

Asteroids collide to leave behind trail of debris

NASA�s Hubble telescope captures an X-shaped debris pattern in space which astronomers believe is th...

'Space debris' a concern in satellite launch: ex-ISRO chief

Thousands of inactive space satellites and artificial objects are present in space which creates pro...

Discovery dodges space debris; landing delayed

Inclement weather prevents the space shuttle from making a safe landing...

Space Debris: a growing threat for astronauts, satellites

Unlike junk on Earth, the junk in space circles the Earth for years and years until it slams into so...

Discovery, Station reoriented to dodge debris

For the second time, NASA has asked the astronauts to stay clear from the approaching space debris, ...

Space station safe from Cosmos 1275 debris: NASA

NASA gave an all-clear signal, stating that there was no threat from orbiting satellite debris and a...

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