News for " Arjun"

Necessary changes made to main battle tank Arjun Mark II: DRDO

The Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) Chairman S Christopher has said that necess...

India's Arjun battle tank praised by Chinese military

The indigenous main battle tank Arjun has been praised by a top Chinese military official who has sa...

Final trials of fully integrated Arjun Mark II in August

The fully integrated modified version of India's Main Battle Tank (MBT) Arjun Mark II would go for f...

India's Arjun Mark II to go for second trial

The updated version of the Indian Army's MBT Arjun which has incorporated 59 improvements will under...

'Trials of MBT Arjun Mark-II conducted in Rajasthan'

The government on Monday said that the DRDO had carried out trials of Mark-II version of Arjun- main...

Trials for new version of Arjun MBT on

The Mark-II version of the Arjun MBT includes advancements in areas of missile firing capability, la...

India conducts trials on its Arjun MBT

The pre-induction trials, which started Saturday, are about the efficacy of scientific and technolog...

India's Arjun MBT Mark II to be tested soon

The latest version of India's main battle tank, Arjun Mark II, will be tested for the first time at ...

Advanced version of Arjun MBT getting ready for user trials

The new Arjun MK-II main battle tank, equipped with missile-firing capabilities and laser finders, w...

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