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Lockheed delivers 1,000th Patriot-3 missile to US Army

The PAC-3 missile system being test fired. A Lockheed photo

DALLAS (BNS): The US Army has received its 1,000th Patriot Advanced Capability-3 (PAC-3) missile system from Lockheed Martin recently.

The interceptor missile was delivered to the Army during a ceremony at Lockheed's state-of-the-art PAC-3 missile production facility in Camden, Arkansas last week.

The PAC-3 is a long-range surface-to-air missile system capable of tracking and shooting down incoming missiles. Equipped with a ‘hit-to-kill’ interceptor, the missile can take on tactical ballistic missiles, cruise missiles and aircraft.

The potential customers of the powerful air defence system include Netherlands, Germany, Japan, Taiwan and the United Arab Emirates besides the US.

Lockheed Martin is the prime contractor for the missile system while Raytheon is the systems integrator.


PAC-3  Lockheed  

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