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US's Delta IV space rocket retires after making final launch

The final ULA Delta IV Heavy rocket, carrying the NROL-70 mission for the National Reconnaissance Office, lifts off from Space Launch Complex-37 at 12:53 p.m. EDT on April 9. (Photo: ULA website)

NEW DELHI (BNS): US’s Delta IV heavy rocket undertook its final successful space mission on Wednesday before retiring from service after six decades of service.

The Delta programme, spanning 60 years, came to a close with the launch of the final Delta IV Heavy rocket by United Launch Alliance (ULA) on April 9 at 12:53 p.m. EDT from Space Launch Complex-37 at Cape Canaveral Space Force Station, Florida, ULA said in a statement.

The rocket, carrying the NROL-70 mission for the US’s National Reconnaissance Office (NRO), “marks the end of the Delta era and initiates the future of heavy lift on ULA’s next generation Vulcan rocket”, the company announced.

The Delta rocket played a pivotal role in the evolution of space flight since the 1960’s. The Delta rocket family had a remarkable success rate over six decades of flights and concluded with 389 launches, ULA, which produced and managed the rockets and their launch services, said in its website.


ULA  Delta IV  Rocket  Cape Canaveral  NRO  US  

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