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US clears ISRO launch of Algerian satellites

An artist rendition of the Alsat-2 spacecraft. Image Credit: EADS Astrium SAS

WASHINGTON (PTI): The US has allowed ISRO to launch Algerian satellites having American components using an Indian launch vehicle following a Technical Safeguards Agreement (TSA) between the two countries.

A Technical Safeguards Agreement, covering launches of satellites having US components on Indian launch vehicles, was signed between India and the US on July 20 during the US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's visit to New Delhi.

"Following the signing of the Technical Safeguards Agreement during Secretary Hillary Clinton's recent visit to India, the US Government has given clearance for launch by Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) of Algerian satellites ALSAT-2A and ALSAT-2B, which have US components, on board an Indian space launch vehicle," the Indian Embassy said in a statement.

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