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Aero India 2025

US Army awards $445 mln contract for GMLRS rockets

Guided Multiple Launch Rocket System (MLRS).

DALLAS (BNS): US Army Aviation & Missile Command has awarded a $445 million follow-on contract to Lockheed Martin for the Guided Multiple Launch Rocket System (MLRS) Unitary rockets.

Under the contract, the company will deliver 735 GMLRS Unitary rocket pods (six rockets per pod) and 508 Reduced-Range Practice Rocket pods for the US Army and US Marine Corps, as well as GMLRS pods for Foreign Military Sales (FMS) customers including Japan, Jordan, Singapore and the United Arab Emirates.

“US forces can increase their standoff distances without losing accuracy, which is paramount to our efforts to destroy threats while limiting collateral damage,” Lt. Col. Drew Clanton, the GMLRS Product Manager at the US Army’s Precision Fires, Rockets and Missiles programme management office in Huntsville, Alabama.

The company will perform the work at the it’s facilities in Camden, Arkansas, and Dallas, Texas. The deliveries are scheduled to begin in December 2012.

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