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UK to hold joint military exercises with US, Japan in Indo-Pacific security focus

LONDON (PTI): The UK, US and Japan will hold regular trilateral military exercises in the Indo-Pacific from 2025 to boost security in the region and further develop the ability of each country’s armed forces to operate together, Britain’s Ministry of Defence (MoD) said on Thursday.

The Indo-Pacific has been described as “particularly important” for the UK due to growing economic ties with countries in the region – including India, and the MoD said the UK already conducts various exercises in the area – with HMS Spey and HMS Tamar continuously deployed.

The trilateral exercises are aimed at building on previous operations between the three countries, underlining the UK’s commitment to the Indo-Pacific.

“In an increasingly volatile world where we can no longer take peace for granted, it’s critical to stand united with our allies and partners in defence of democracy and freedom,” said UK Defence Secretary Grant Shapps.

“Conducting joint exercises sends a strong message to anyone who would seek to undermine the rules-based international order – our defence relationships are not limited by distance and we stand ready to respond to any threat around the globe. A safe and stable Indo-Pacific is vital to our collective security, allowing free and unhindered trade and travel, and our world-leading partnerships with Japan and the US further emphasise our commitment to the region,” he said.

The latest announcement follows British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak signing the Atlantic Declaration with US President Joe Biden last year. He also agreed the Hiroshima Accord with Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida. Both these pacts committed the UK to further increase defence activity with each country, with a particular focus on bolstering collective security and mutual prosperity in the Indo-Pacific.

Next year, the Royal Navy aircraft carrier HMS Prince of Wales will be deployed to the region at the head of a Carrier Strike Group (CSG), which will conduct a series of operations and exercises with partners and allies – including a port visit in Japan. It follows the successful deployment of her sister ship, HMS Queen Elizabeth, to the region in 2021.

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