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Russia launches 'Express-AM4' communication satellite

Artistic rendition of the Express AM4 satellite. Photo: Astrium.

BAIKONUR (BNS): Russia has launched a telecom satellite ‘Express-AM4’ on Thursday from its Baikonur space center in Kazakhstan, Russian media reports.

The heavy Proton-M carrier rocket with the Russian communications satellite blasted off from the space center at 01: 26 AM (Moscow time).

The satellite which weighs 1,450 kilograms is created by Khruinichev in association with Europe’s EADS Astrium. The satellite is based on the well-proven satellite platform Eurostar E3000, which is used by leading international operators of satellite communication services, according to Itarr-Tass.

The total life span of the satellite is expected to be 15 years.

It is equipped with 63 transponders in C-, Ku-, Ka-and L-bands and its antennas provide sustainable coverage of almost the entire territory of Russia as well as of the CIS and Central Europe, the report said.

Russia also plans to launch six more satellites including Express-AM4, Express-AM5 and Express-AM6 by 2013.

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